Il blog di Simone Facchinetti
In the prestigious setting of Villa Reale in Monza, the usual appointment was organized by the weekly IL CITTADINO MONZA E BRIANZA with ASSOLOMBARDA to illustrate the best corporate performance results in the province of Monza and Brianza, along with the presentation of economic sector and territorial data in the presence of political, governmental...
Во время знаменитой выставки ILLUMINOTRONICA в FIERA DI BOLOGNA, адвокат Факкинетти и доктор Tрабалли сообщили о преимуществах, предусмотренных законодательством «Индустрия 4.0» для компаний данного сектора, в соответствии с правовыми и налоговыми характеристиками. Выпуск второго издания книги «ИНДУСТРИЯ 4.0: ПРЕИМУЩЕСТВА» также был представлен в п...
During the renowned exhibition ILLUMINOTRONICA at FIERA DI BOLOGNA, Atty. Facchinetti and Dr Traballi have reported on the advantages provided by the “Industry 4.0” for the companies under the legal and tax aspects. The release of the second edition of the book “INDUSTRY 4.0: BENEFITS” had also been presented in the presence of Mr Armando Marin and...
L’avv. Facchinetti e Mr. Sultan Saeed si accordano per una reciproca partnership tra le proprie realtà professionali sull’asse Milano-Abu Dhabi, al fine di meglio fornire servizi di qualità nella consulenza per le imprese e nel settore immobiliare ai clienti italiani ed emiratini.Orgoglioso e onorato per questa intesa con Mr. Saeed e le sue realtà ...
Durante il Gulf International Congress 2019, svoltosi in Abu Dhabi nella splendida cornice del St. Regis Hotel Saadiyat Island, l’Avv. Simone Facchinetti è intervenuto come relatore per esporre la sua personale esperienza nel mercato emiratino in relazione al tema del Congresso “UAE economic prospects in the regional context”. Il tutto alla presenz...
Адвокат Факкинетти и г-н Султан Саид соглашаются на взаимное партнерство между своими профессиональными реалиями на оси Милан-Абу-Даби, чтобы лучше предоставлять качественные услуги в консалтинговых компаниях и в секторе недвижимости для итальянских и эмиратских клиентов.Я горжусь и почитаю партнерство с г-ном Саидом за его профессиональные навыки,...
Attorney Facchinetti and Mr. Sultan Saeed agreed to develop a mutually productive and professional partnership between their professional realities on the Milan-Abu Dhabi axis, in order to provide higher quality consultancy both for Italian and Emirate client companies of the real estate sector. I am proud and I feel honored for this partnership ag...
Во время Международного конгресса GULF 2019 года, состоявшегося в Абу-Даби, в великолепной обстановке отеля St. Regis Saadiyat Island, Адвокат Симоне Факкинетти выступил в качестве докладчика, чтобы представить свой личный опыт на рынке Эмирата в связи с темой Конгресса «Экономические перспективы ОАЭ в региональном контексте».В присутствии ок...
During the Gulf International Congress 2019, held in Abu Dhabi in the splendid setting of the St. Regis Hotel Saadiyat Island, the Atty. Simone Facchinetti has intervened as a speaker to present his personal experience as an official representative of IICUAE in relation to the theme of the Congress "UAE economic prospects in the regional context" i...
LAW FIRM FACCHINETTI ADDRESSES GLOBALIZATION’S CHALLENGES Being always adaptive to the rapidly changing business environment and going in line with the Globalization processes the Law Firm Facchinetti develops partnership with the Globality which is the world’s first virtual business platform that combines AI and industry expertise to match clients...
AUTOMATION ACADEMY è un corso pensato a 360gradi per affrontare la meglio le sfide tecniche, metodologiche, fiscali e legali del mondo Industria 4.0 e della digital transformation. In occasione dell’uscita della seconda edizione del libro “INDUSTRIA 4.0: I VANTAGGI CONCRETI” edito dalla DELFINO EDITORI, i docenti del settore Avv. Facchinetti, Ing. ...
Dopo essere diventato a luglio 2018 agente per DAMAC PROPERTIES (uno tra i più importanti sviluppatori immobiliari negli Emirati Arabi Uniti), l’avv. Facchinetti viene selezionato e individuato come agente per l’Italia da parte del gruppo “Kleindiest Group” per il progetto immobiliare “THE EARTH OF EUROPE” ( sulle World Islands, ...