The International University NABA hosted on Wednesday 4th December 2019 Law. Simone Facchinetti, as a representative for Italian Chamber of Commerce in the United Arab Emirates.

For the degree course “fashion design”, professor Valeria Battel – teacher of the “Fashion Marketing and Management” course – let Law. Facchinetti personally step in to explain to the third-year students the legal aspects connected to the fashion world and the opportunities connected to fashion in the United Arab Emirates.

The themes of ethical and eco-friendly fashion, the business’ developing methods, contractual and juridical instruments to operate on the international market, the importance acquired by the Arab Fashion Week, how to approach the UAE market with a specific reference to “modest fashion”, EXPO 2020 DUBAI and Padiglione Italia (Italian Pavilion) have been some of the topics covered during the lecture.

Expo 2020 Dubai, with its slogan “Connecting minds, creating the future” and its three macro-themes of EXPO 2020 DUBAI “mobility, opportunity and sustainability”, have to be considered the path to be taken by young students to set into their future with a view to both being cosmopolitan and having ethical and eco-friendly development, especially in relation to design and fashion.

A special thank you to the journalist and professor Valeria Battel (in photo), to NABA for their availability, professionalism and competence, as well as the 122 students that participated. It is always thrilling to interact with university students, talents ready to affirm themselves into the world.