In the presence of media partner TGCOM MEDIASET and CORRIERE DELLA SERA, law. Simone Facchinetti (Representative for Italian Chamber of Commerce in the United Arabic Emirates) and dott. Marco Accornero, (Segr. Gen. Unione Artigiani Milan and Monza Brianza Province) welcomed the conference’s distinguished guests and more than 300 participants in the Forum.
Dott. Paolo Liguori for TGCOM MEDIASET took the floor describing how: “Unione Artigiani Milan and Monza Brianza represents since 1945 more than 16.000 Artisans’ businesses, talent, hard work and Italian excellences and together with Law. Facchinetti – partner of Unione Artigiani and Official Representative for Italian Chamber of Commerce in the United Arab Emirates – organised a presentation about Expo 2020 Dubai and the opportunities for artisans and Italian SME in the UAE market.
Italy has always been a UAE trading  partner, among the favourites and one of the most important in terms of export, co-operation and creativity. Expo 2020 Dubai represents an event of worldwide importance, the first Expo organised in the UAE and in the MENASA area (Middle East-North Africa-South Asia) and the slogan will be “Connecting Minds Creating The Future”.

Expo 2020 Dubai will invest in every aspect of society, with repercussions in every area, from infrastructures to logistics, form construction to accommodation, from environment preservation to the use of innovative energies and solutions.
Three sub-themes: Mobility, Opportunity and Sustainability will determine new ways of approaching entrepreneurship, more responsibility in the economic development and new challenges to face. Expo Milan 2015 leaves the rudder to Expo Dubai 2020 with the knowledge of having started a mission towards a world rich with solutions and opportunities, for everyone and in everyone’s best interest.

Italian entrepreneurship – always at the highest levels of excellence in the world – will have the chance to have a lead role in this transition and in the future. The focus of the United Arab Emirates towards talents and the achievement of new goals is also accomplished through the Dubai Future Foundation, created to study and create the future in strategic areas in the medium and long term in cooperation with governments and the private sector.   
The Italian Chamber of Commerce in the UAE and Dubai Future Foundation created a platform of co-operation to introduce Italian entrepreneurial talents in the correct program"

Attorney Facchinetti read the greeting message from the President of the Italian Chamber of Commerce in UAE His Excellency Sheick Mohammed bin Faisal Al Qassimi, enshrining a relationship of mutual co-operation between Unione Artigiani and Italian Chamber of Commerce in UAE, and showing afterwards various aspects of interest discussed during the conference about the progress of the UAE and the opportunities for Italian businesses and showing presentations about innovations in UAE in various sectors.
Fabrizio Sala, Vice-president of Regione Lombardia intervened to give a feedback on his just tied-up Institutional Mission in the  United Arab Emirates for Regione Lombardia: purpose of the mission, relevant sectors, visited Emirates, prospects for Lombard entrepreneurship in the United Arab Emirates.  
Were shown, to the 300 and more participants in the forum, several videos about  the evolution of Dubai (, the advent of Expo from Dubai’s origins (, the official master-plan of Expo 2020 Dubai ( and the drone that shows the work in progress on-site (
Prof. Arch.  Davide Rampello, project manager of Padiglione Italia (Italian Pavilion) at Expo 2020 Dubai showed his role in the outlining of the concept design of Padiglione Italia (Italian Pavilion), the documents related to the tenders, the conception and planning of the thematic itinerary and  the Pavilion set-up as well as he engaged all the participants in a journey through  Padigione Italia (Italian Pavilion) with  sapience, empathy and richness of details.   
Dott. Luciano Fontana took the floor, editor-in-chief for IL CORRIERE DELLA SERA, to analyse the topic of opportunities for Italian businesses in Dubai and the strategic importance of Middle East for Italy thanks to the role of the Italian export towards these markets. The director started the so called economic ring.
From Dubai, via skype-call, intervened Dott. Mauro Marzocchi, Segr. Gen  Italian Chamber of Commerce in UAE, that talked about the 20th anniversary of the Italian Chamber of Commerce in UAE, the fundamental role of the offices in the support of the SME and artisans, showing the project Dubai Future Foundation for artisans businesses and the current mission at Fiera BIG5 with Italian businesses.
The economic ring opened with the projection of the video “AREA 2071 pioneers of the future” ( testament of the futuristic and research role of the best talents and solutions for a future more sustainable and technological for the United Arab Emirates.
Distinguished lecturers took the floor:
Dott. Marco Accornero for Unione Artigiani Municipality of Milan and the Municipality of Monza and Brianza, explaining with authority the role of Unione Artigiani and the need of globalisation of businesses for artisans
law. Simone Facchinetti describing the role of Dubai as a hub and connection bridge between East and West, illustrating case history of Italian businesses aiming to be introduced in the UAE market and the modality of presentation for businesses that intend to became global.
dott.ssa Laura Specchio for the Municipality of Milan, as President of the Political Working Committee, Economical Development, Production Activities, Trading, Human Resources , Fashion and Design, illustrating with eloquence and clarity her experience and her visit to the United Arab Emirates especially in the fashion and design districts, as well as showing the possible turnover of Expo Dubai on the Italian Businesses in comparison with the one experienced after Expo Milan
prof. Dott. Francesco Zurlo for POLITECNICO MILANO, outlining and showing to the audience the importance of innovation and research on technology and design, even for the SME, in view of worldwide challenges and globalisation.
dott. Federico Maria Bega for PROMOS, expressing with precision the economic data of Italy export towards the United Arab Emirates and the procedures of market research for Italian businesses at the hands of Promos with some case history.
At the end of the Forum was shown the video LA SFIDA DELLA CITTA’ SU MARTE (2121)  (Mars Science City) ( with the aim of projecting the audience in the space of research of new and challenging goals, with the greetings of the host dott Marco Accornero.
A special thank you for the organisation to dott. Andrea Rovelli, Press Office Manager for Unione Artigiani Municipality of Milan Monza Brianza.

The Forum was attended also by the blogger Samira Cooper of the blog DUBAI EVENTS BLOG

TGCOM24 and STUDIO APERTO broadcast some segments and the summary of the Forum, as well as Corriere della Sera published on 26-11-19’s paper an important article on the subject.