On October 10 and 11, 2018, Wooliweiss and Casarialto travelled to the UAE to continue monitoring the Hotel Show Dubai fair.

Wooliweiss offers customized products and services for luxury and five-star hotels, private residences, high-end restaurants and elite brand shops. Everything has been done in Italy not just by simple artisans, but by artisans selected throughout Italy. For more information, visit the website http://www.wooliweiss.it/en/about-us.html

Casarialto, owned by Catherine Urban, is based in Venice. The company produces handmade glasses, lighting elements, personally engraved by high-quality craftsmen. For more information, visit the website http://www.casarialto.it

The company, led by the business development manager Aya Maria Moussalli and lawyer Simone Facchinetti, met with 10 Emirates companies in Dubai and Abu Dhabi. Plamac SPA went to the Emirates to meet again with the UAE based operators interested in Plamac and SmartFences products after the Show Dubai Hotel held in September. The mission took place on October 7 and 8, 2018.

Plamac Spa is an Italian company with more than 30 years of experience in the field of machining and surface finishing of extruded aluminium products. For many years, Plamac Spa carries the Made in Italy beauty culture, known and appreciated all over the world, and combines beauty with technical skills in design and production, giving life to products with high aesthetic value.

Plamac Spa also manufactures and sells mobile fencing for horses. SmartFences made the assembly of simple and fast fences using the Intelligent Assembly. Smart Fences, a real horse passion. The Italian company, led by lawyer Simone Facchinetti and business development manager Aya Maria Moussalli, had successful meetings in Dubai, gathering 10 UAE-based companies in the interior and equestrian sectors.